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Month: September 2010

Wishcasting Wednesday: What Do You Wish To Step Into?

Every Wednesday, the incredibly talented Jamie Ridler, of Jamie Ridler Studios, posts a Wishcasting prompt.

I’ve made a place, a beautiful page on my blog, to cradle my wishes and dreams.

I’m guessing that some weeks I’ll answer her prompt, and some weeks I may not get to it.  On the days when I do make time to honor my wishes and dreams, they’ll be here, on the Wishcasting Wednesday page of my blog.

So here’s to my Wishcast for September 29, 2010 ~

Wishcasting Wednesday: What Do You Wish To Step Into?

It’s a rainy Wednesday morning here in Raleigh, but my heart and mind are full of sunshiny wishes and dreams!

My days and nights, are busy … beyond my day job as an education consultant, I come home and get busy doing the worker-bee things that need to be in place for those sunshiny dreams to come true.  I work late into the night, and sometimes early in the morning.

It’s my pleasure, my delight … I’m happy when I’m writing, healing, creating, and daydreaming about which stitches will complete my next row.

My mind is full, and I am ready, willing, and able to step into the future I’m working to create.  I am mindful this morning, of the power that you, the readers of teenytinypieces, fellow-wishcasters, my precious family, and all who love me, give, when you walk with me on this journey.

Much gratitude …


So, What Do You Wish to Step Into?

If you enjoyed this post, leave a comment below…who knows, you may feel inspired to start your own Wishcasting page.

Thanks for stopping by today. I’m really glad you’re here.

Click here to read my previous Wishcasts…

I also wish to thank Dare Darlington for the gorgeous picture….I’ve been waiting for just the right place to use it