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Month: December 2010

A Virgin, A Blizzard, and one Foxy Lady!

Virgin and Child, FoxySue, Sgraffito

Visiting Duke University Chapel is a special treat during the holidays.  The seasonal greenery and poinsettias in the massive sanctuary are spectacular.  Angelic voices echoing on the stone walls, and the vividly colored stained-glass windows remind us of European cathedrals.

Early in the service this past Sunday, the choir sang Tota pulchra es. Though I wasn’t familiar with the piece, the words printed in the bulletin and the heavenly sound stirred something inside.  My spirit awoke, and was ready to listen … to receive.

Tota pulchra es maria,

et macula originalis

non est in te.

Vestimentum tuum candidum quasi nix,

et facies tua sicut sol.

Tu gloria Jerusalem, tu laetitia Israel,

tu honorificenti populi nostri.

Thou art fair, O Mary,

and the stain of original sin

is not in thee.

Your vestments are as white as snow,

and your face is like the sun.

Thou art the glory of Jerusalem, the joy of Israel,

and the honor of our people.

My heart softened at the tender words,  “your face is like the sun”.  On some level, I’m able to connect with Mary.

Images of the Virgin played in my mind.  Sparkling, warm, and vivid.  I thought of my new online friend, Sue Fox (otherwise known as Foxy Sue), who shares ‘A Virgin a Day’ at Finding My Bliss. Each day I open her post with anticipation … always a special treat to see which Virgin she has chosen to share with us!

This month, Sue created a  Gratitude Advent Calendar.  Each day she weaves together a beautiful tapestry of words, photographs, and imagination, and we get a peek into the life of her charming community in Derbyshire, UK.  I watched the recent snowstorm unfold through her photographs, and delighted as she made the very cheerful best of the situation during the water and power outages. Sue’s photographs of the winter wonderland are spectacular.

Winterdrop, by FoxySue

I hope you’ll take a moment to visit Foxy Sue’s blog.  Here’s the post for December 1. From there you can get to the next day by clicking on newer post. You’ll find a new perspective and much delight in her sharing.

Thank you, Sue, for your friendship, and for sharing your gratitude.  You’ve taught me so much.  Stay warm, and have a very Merry Christmas!