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Wishcasting Wednesday: What Do You Wish for the World?

Every Wednesday, the incredibly talented Jamie Ridler, of Jamie Ridler Studios, posts a Wishcasting prompt.

I’ve made a place, a beautiful page on my blog, to cradle my wishes and dreams.

Some weeks I answer her prompt, and some weeks I don’t quite get to it.  On the days when I do make time to honor my wishes and dreams, they’ll be here, on the Wishcasting Wednesday page of my blog.

So here’s to my Wishcast for February 15, 2012 ~

Wishcasting Wednesday: What Do You Wish for The World?

Poverty is what happens when we give up caring for each other.

I wish for the world to be abundant with love, and wealth of humanity … of kindness, and well-being.

I wish for the world to be released from the grips of fear and greed … fear and greed which pollute our water, our land, and our food.  They pollute our thoughts, our education, our feelings, and our ability to care for one another.

I wish that farming be restored to a source of wholesome, organic food.  I wish that medicine be restored to methods that support our well-being.

I wish for the eyes of the world to be opened … and that the light of new morning would make its way in for healing, forgiveness, and an understanding that, as Bill Bowers posted in his birthday message yesterday on facebook, “It’s no longer ‘us’ and ‘them’ … it’s just US.”

It’s just us … and we must care for one-another.  I wish for the world to glow more brightly because of our unconditional love and caring.  That we would each give, and receive.

A gentle reminder to wake up this morning.  A reminder for me to put my priorities in order.  I can begin, this moment, to live my life differently.  I can begin to make choices for my highest good, and for the highest good of those I affect.

May it be so ~

With warmest Wishcasting love,

So, what do you wish for the world?

Leave a comment below…who knows, you may feel inspired to start your own Wishcasting page.

Thanks for stopping by today. I’m really glad you’re here.

I also wish to thank Dare Darlington for the gorgeous picture….I’m so glad to have found just the right place to use it


  1. Diana Diana

    My wish for this moment is that the pieces of my life that had value and worth show themselves to me now so that if there was purpose and meaning in my life, that I can find out why I was created. Where did the passion go? Does my life have significence?

    • Diana ~ thank you so much for taking a moment to write today. You are precious and loved, simply by being. Sometimes passion subsides as we turn inward for a time of rest and recovery. We learn … finding more about ourselves, our gifts, and our journey. Your quiet presence here today gives me pause ~ and changes my perception … and thus my life. Thank you for being here.

      As you wish, Diana, for clarity, I wholeheartedly wish for you also.

      Big hugs to you ~

  2. “It’s just us … and we must care for one-another.” – YES!! You have shared an important message. As you wish for the world, so I wish also.

    • Thank you for the wish Sherri ~ what a difference we can make by supporting a community of mutual love and care.

      With warmest Wishcasting love,

  3. Beautifully written. As you wish for yourself (the world) so I wish for you also.

    • Thank you for stopping by, Amanda ~ and thank you for the wish. 🙂

      With warmest Wishcasting love,

  4. It’s never been “us” and “them,” has it? 🙂 As you wish for yourself (the world) so I wish for you (the world) also.

    • Aaah, nice point 🙂 Perceptions … often clouded by fear … make all the difference, don’t they?

      Thank you for the wish, and thanks for stopping by.

      With warmest Wishcasting love,

  5. Beautiful words and photo. As you wish for yourself (the world) so I wish for you (the world) also.

    • Hi Eydie ~ it’s good to meet you. Thank you for stopping by, and for the wish. I do love the photo, too.

      With warmest Wishcasting love,

  6. Lovely photo! ;]
    So beautifully written…
    As you wish for Mother Earth, I also wish for (us all) you as well.

    • Hi April ~ thank you for stopping by, and for your kind words (and the hugs) … and I haven’t forgotten that I’m sending you a painting someday … somehow I haven’t gotten back to the canvas in quite a while … all in perfect time, I suppose. 🙂

      With warmest Wishcasting love,

  7. Beautifully and gracefully written. Such heartfelt words.
    As you wish for yourself, so I wish for you also.

    • Hi Camilla ~ so good to see you! Jamie has a way of holding our hearts and allowing them to open forth, doesn’t she? ~
      Thank you for stopping by, and for the wish.

      With warmest Wishcasting love,

  8. Joy Joy

    This speaks so strongly to me: “Poverty is what happens when we give up caring for each other”…wow.
    What a beautiful wish, a gorgeous photo, and an affirmation for (and of) life and love. As you wish for world and your self, so I too wish for world and your self as well:)

    • Hi Joy ~ I adore that quote … it’s on my refrigerator … I believe it’s from St. Francis, but I’m not certain. I bought it on a bookmark at the beautiful St. Francis Springs Prayer Center when I was there for my fourth level of Healing Touch. Such a precious place. Keep caring and loving … and wishing, too. 🙂

      With warmest Wishcasting love,

      • That’s really thniikng of the highest order

  9. Bev Bev

    A lovely wish!
    As you wish for the world, and your self, so do I wish for you and the world.

    • Hi Bev ~ thank you for the wish … and thanks so much for stopping by.

      With warmest Wishcasting love,

  10. This was such a wonderful post. I found myself nodding in agreement as i read each word.

    As you wish for yourself, so I wish for you also.

    • Hi Mare ~ so good to see you! I’m glad the words resonated with you. Take special good care ~ big hugs ~

      With warmest Wishcasting love,

  11. Hi Jane,
    Really loved reading. As you wish for yourself, I wish for you too.
    Greetings from France.

    • Hello Sabrina in France 🙂 So good to hear from you. Thank you for stopping by to leave a kind word, and a good wish.

      With warmest Wishcasting love,

  12. Wow, this post is amazing. Everything you’ve written is dear to my hear…and so beautifully put. As you wish for yourself, I wish for you also.

    • Hi Tracy ~ so good to see you. I’m honored to have touched your heart today. Thank you so much for stopping by, and for the wish.

      With warmest Wishcasting love,

  13. From your heart to the World’s ears.

    As you wish for yourself I wish for you as well.

  14. Aaah, BeWilding, if only more of the world’s ears were as open as yours. I am amazed each day to find so many still closed. Someday ~ in perfect time, they will open. Until then … let’s keep loving, and wishing, and sharing goodness with one-another.

    With warmest Wishcasting love,

  15. Lovely wish. As Jane wishes for the world, so I wish for her also.

  16. Really enjoyed reading your wish and as you wish I too wish with you.

  17. I wish for all of us, to love others as much as ourselves. Then everything will be different. Selfishness and egocentrism are our major enemies. I wish you Jane to continue doing what you do. I believe it helps many. 🙂

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