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Month: March 2015

The Promise of Springtime, and New Collages Each Week!

Jane Barefoot Rochelle, Butterfly Fields, $125
Jane Barefoot Rochelle, Butterfly Fields, $125

I pulled on my shorts and a warm sweater this morning ~ for fear that if I pulled on black yoga pants for one more day I’d melt into a lump of clay … left to helplessly await my re-creation. 

I could hear the birds calling me outside, even before I opened the door.

Though my mother might say that the ground is still too cold, my feet found the moist, cool ground once-again.  The earth prickly with bits of winter’s residue nestled in the mossy grass … poplar seeds so sharp under my feet, and again, kneeling to gently remove gumballs from my path.

I paused ~ to recall this most loved prayer ~

The way opens before me.
There are no obstacles to my path.
I bring forth from yesterday, only those things which serve me today.

Stretching my arms to the morning sky, a blue canvas dotted with pink clouds, this post began in my head, as so many do ~ when I’m outside, enjoying this gorgeous creation.  I knew that this post might sound like teeny tiny pieces of so many posts before ~ and knew, also, that it was perfectly okay.

This winter was a time to rest and recover, and a time to reconnect with myself, my husband, and so many who are dear to me.  Over the past few months, precious moments with family and friends have left me full of gratitude and joy, over and over.  Visits that left me knowing what really matters in life.

I walked … counterclockwise … letting go, clearing gumballs, releasing the night’s quiet breath from my lungs … clockwise, receiving the beauty of the morning, opening my arms to creativity, peace, and goodness …

Winter was also a time for long, quiet hours on my laptop doing contract work … knowing that pay follows work does an artist’s heart and mind good.

Yesterday I took some time at a local coffee shop to sketch out my springtime schedule, and to plan some avenues for selling more of my art this year.  It includes a goal of completing and sharing at-least one new piece each week … so be sure to sign up for my weekly art newsletter if you haven’t already. (Sign up here!)

(Also, in posting this, I’ve found that all of my subscribers have been lost, everyone since 2009 … ugh.  So if you’d like to receive blog posts via email, click here ~ )

My prayer is that your days will soon be warm-enough that you, too, can put your bare feet on the ground … and that you will pause to gently remove obstacles from your path, for your highest good.

With much love,

Let’s keep in touch on Facebook ~ you’ll find me at Jane Barefoot Rochelle

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