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Month: July 2010

When Weariness Sets In, Be Gentle With Yourself

Just when we think we’re accomplishing all that we should, taking care of business, being strong and resourceful…from out of nowhere, weariness can show up.  It taps at our back door and it won’t go away.

We tire of waiting, of working, of trying to figure things out.  Sometimes the road just feels too long, and we’re not sure where the energy or the motivation will come from to take even one more step forward.

Be gentle.  Take good care  ~  Just as you would with a weary child.

  • Sleep when you need to.  Many of us have come to believe that sleeping during the day means laziness.  It isn’t true.  Your body will ask for rest when it needs it.  Listen.
  • Eat good food.  Nutritious food restores our body.  Food of poor nutritional content taxes our body, causes our endocrine system and organs to work overtime when they’re already tired.  Be good to your body.  Drink water. Eat nutritious food.
  • Find nature.  Sit in the woods and  listen to a stream.  Sit outside in the early evening, letting the sounds of the frogs and bugs re-connect you with nature.  Let the sun shine on your face.
  • Be still.  When your body is tired, don’t ask any more of it.  Give it permission to just be still.  To just be.

While it may be difficult to imagine, consider that everything is just as it should be for this moment, and that all shall be well.

Do be gentle, and take good care ~

Many thanks to peasap for the beautiful photo.