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Born free … but are we living free?

Last updated on 11/07/2011

When I was a girl, the walls of my room weren’t covered with posters of puppies and kittens.  The doors and walls in my pink room were covered with posters of lions.  I was mesmerized by their deep amber eyes, and soft, wide noses.  Standing in front of them, face to face, I flattened my palms on the paper … studying each eyelash, and drawing their strength.

I loved the movie (which is now at the top of my Netflix queue), and the song, Born Free.  I’ll spare you the lion poem that I wrote during this period of my life.

During a recent weekend visit with Mom and Dad, I was drawn to the heart-shaped music box they gave me for Valentine’s Day, many years ago.  The tune inside the heart, Born Free.  I brought it home with me and placed it on my nightstand.

When I woke this morning, I smiled as I carefully wound it and placed it on my chest.  I felt the gentle vibration as it tinkled out “Born free, as free as the wind blows … “  It felt like home.

The lyrics are profound, for this life … this state of our being.

Born free, as free as the wind blows
As free as the grass grows
Born free to follow your heart

Live free and beauty surrounds you
The world still astounds you
Each time you look at a star

Stay free, where no walls divide you
You’re free as a roaring tide
So there’s no need to hide

born free, and life is worth living
but only worth living
‘cause you’re born free

(Stay free, where no walls divide you)
You’re free as the roaring tide
So there’s no need to hide

born free, and life is worth living
but only worth living
‘cause you’re born free

Born Free lyrics copyright Sony/atv Songs Llc

As I searched for an image for this post, I found many photographs of lions in zoos, divided by walls.  There was no light in their eyes.  To learn more about lions in the wild, visit the African Wildlife Foundation.

Because you’re reading this, I know that you were likely born free.  Stay free.  Be amazed.  Live free, and make your life worth living.

Take good care,


  1. The Old Gray Mare The Old Gray Mare

    Beautiful, and thanks for the memories. Just where is your photo with the tiny cubs with no light in their eyes but plenty of light in your eyes as you held it? Keep reminding us who we really are. Thanks.

    • Mom, I just wanted to tell you that last night I wound up the music box and played it while I was going to sleep…just like I used to do.

  2. Thank you, Mom … that old polaroid lives safely in my meditation room. I did wish for a digital version of it this morning. I’ll add it to the post when I can have it scanned. Thank you for the music box. Thank you for the light.
    Love you.
    Jane Rochelle recently posted..Born free &8230 but are we living free

  3. I would LOVE to read the poem you wrote as a girl! So…maybe you will pass it my way? Hmmmm? Love the words from our youth:)

  4. Wow Jane – “Live free, and make your life worth living”
    your words resonate with me deeply – how often we may be apt to unconsciously choose not to live free. Your words are my mantra for this week and beyond.

    I’m glad you gave us the lyrics to the song – they are powerful
    Aileen recently posted..A Tribute to Real Life Super Heroes

  5. Hi Jane,

    This is a simple yet thought provoking post. As you have pointed out, many of us are born free, but we may not be utilizing our freedom to the fullest. Like caged lions, we have lost the light in our eyes because we do not follow our passions for whatever reason. Someone once quoted that life is like a coin. You can spend it anyway you want, but you can spend it only once. So let’s make our lives worth living by being free to pursue meaning and passion in life.

    Thank you for this post!
    The Vizier recently posted..5 Reasons to Give Thanks

  6. Okie doke, Susan…one cheezy girlhood lion poem coming your way!

    There are some pretty silly things in the little blue poetry binder my mother gave me years ago, but I love it, and am so glad that I’ve kept it through the years.
    Jane Rochelle recently posted..Born free &8230 but are we living free

    • How wonderful to have your childhood words nearby:) I wish I had my old journals…I threw them out, believing them to be silly…I wish I had not done that. To re-read my thoughts before I was fully formed (and still working on that!) would be a treasure.

      enjoy your little blue binder!

      • My little blue binder is here beside my laptop … it’s full of funny, colorful musings (though they weren’t meant to be funny when I wrote them) … I have been struck by the themes that emerge, even from the writings I did at a very young age. My grown-up thoughts echo many of the same emotions. I continue to be amazed that we grow into adults that are so very much like the children we once were.
        Much to ponder ….
        Take good care, Susan.

  7. Making life worth living seems to be swirling about my energy-field these days. Heightened awareness is a powerful step for making it so.

    Have a beautiful week, Aileen.
    Jane Rochelle recently posted..Born free &8230 but are we living free

  8. I wonder whether lions who’ve only known cages have a bit more light in their eyes than those who once knew the power of freedom … of the wind in their mane, and then found themselves in a new reality behind walls. I also wonder whether those who’ve known freedom would more aggressively try to escape, if given the opportunity, to return to freedom and passion.

    …just wondering.

    Thanks for stopping by, Viz.
    Jane Rochelle recently posted..Born free &8230 but are we living free

  9. I love the new design (it´s been a while since I don´t stop by, maybe it´s not so new…)

    Talking about lions in cages make me sad and remember my visit to a Zoo on a rainy day when the animals are more sad than usual there.

    But right on to makes us wonder if we are free or not. If not, do something about it to change. Only that much of our lack of freedom come from how we need to fit in this world. It´s hard to break free, but I´m an optimistic and rather die fighting for freedom than complaining for not having much.
    Marilia recently posted..Going car-free with a kid – easier done than said

    • Hi Marilia,
      It’s great to see you, and I hope you’re doing well!
      There’s much power in freedom … freedom of thought of physical and emotional restraints. I admire your strength and determination to make the world a beautiful place for Luisa. You’re an inspiration to those of us who have walked the road of single-motherhood.
      Thank you for stopping by, and for all that you’re learning and sharing.

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