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Why You Can Never Really Fail, Whatever Happens: A Guest Post from John Sherry

Last updated on 07/26/2011

Today’s guest post is from my friend John Sherry, writer at The 100% You blog.  John is passionate about living his life to the fullest, and helping you to do the same.  If you’ve been tip-toeing around the blogsphere quietly, today is your day to jump in and leave a comment for John.  He always engages with a smile!  Please make John welcome ~
We’re all so scared of failure.

The dreaded ‘F’ word.

To many failure is a personal rejection by the world or by life itself. It shows that they don’t add up to much and never will.

It’s easy to see why.

Relationships might not have worked or love never permanently came to stay. A good career has given way merely to various jobs with low prospects and money has been an ongoing challenge with finances always mixed at best.

But, actually this is proof, if ever you needed it, that you’re not failing but gradually and steadily winning and that any time soon it’s all going to wonderfully come together.

Here are the precise reasons why you can never really fail whatever happens.

1. Practice makes perfect.

Ask any sporting star and they will tell you that their defeats helped them hone their talents to become a champion. For sport read life.

When you lose, you learn. When you recognise these lessons and take what they tell you, tipping the scales in your favour has begun. A loss is merely a victory inside out.

2. You are discovering yourself.

Who says that the dream career you had in mind was your true calling?

Your setbacks, work related or otherwise, may be an opportunity in disguise forcing you to uncover greater skills and unknown abilities that are your real genius in waiting.

If you hadn’t failed to win the role you’d set your heart on you wouldn’t have found out the secret brilliance you know can develop into something masterful.

3. You are being saved.

Many a failure turns out to be a relief in the end.

Countless situations that first appeared awesome on the surface turn out to be a disaster in the long run. If you’d succeeded you would be caught up right in the middle of it.

Failures prevent things becoming more expensive, emotionally draining, or even plain dangerous.

When things don’t work out perhaps a better option is about to show up or a devastating one is about to go away.

You may have just been saved.

4. You’ve made it this far.

Take a look back at your life up to this point.

It’s probably been a roller coaster of ups and downs, good times and tough periods. You’ve laughed and cried in equal measure but you know what?

You’ve got through. You’ve made it. You’re still here.

So you are a true survivor who has what it takes to beat anything that life can throw at you and a happy soul who has the ability to enjoy every special moment you are granted. You have before and you will again.

You can’t fail because you’ve never ever failed.

You are a success story through and through. Well done you!

Sure life can hurt and you can convince yourself many times over that you’ve failed and flopped but, in reality, you’ve merely improved and bettered yourself meaning the potential for ultimate happiness is now within your grasp.

Through every error and mistake and day you’ve felt beat you’ve been building your wisdom and sharpening your talents . And now it’s time to fail no more.

Where you’ve not succeeded, now you can go and claim the prize.

Where results have been disappointing, now they can be first class.

Where life has been a let down, now it’s going to soar.

And where you’ve failed, you’re going to see that you were shining your very best for the world to see.

Because you are you and that means you’re a real living winner and today is where it all begins!

John Sherry is a blogger and coach who writes The 100% YOU blog on how to discover, love, and enjoy yourself. He believes that we are all inbuilt with individual brilliance and that our own identity and personality is all we need to accept and celebrate for that to come to life. His mantra is ‘Be true, be you’.


  1. Jane, it’s an absolute joy to write a guest post for you because you are an awesome human being and a marvellous light for hope and positivity. I feel humbled and happy all in one today. Bliss you!!
    John Sherry recently posted..Have You A Bounce Buddy?

  2. Cheers Mike, you certainly celebrate the ethic of turning failure inside out to view it as brilliance being sharpened and success created. What’s in front of us or holds us back is nothing to what’s inside us…which is impossibility made real! Keep up your great work Mike.
    John Sherry recently posted..Have You A Bounce Buddy?

  3. John,
    Thanks for sharing these encouraging words on a Monday morning! It sure is wonderful to be able to choose again no matter what outcome we have in any area of life.
    Tess The Bold Life recently posted..53 of the Best Quotes On Fear

  4. Thank you Tess for dropping by and supporting Jane’s wonderful work at Teeny Tiny Pieces. Love what she does here.

    From Monday to Sunday we only need to know that our efforts are never wasted because we are winning at life all the time even if we’re losing during one particular day. Failure isn’t an option because it doesn’t exist.
    John Sherry recently posted..Have You A Bounce Buddy?

  5. How wonderful to see you here John! Great Choice Jane 🙂

    This is such a powerful truth – far, far too often a “failure” turns into a perception that one is a failure and won’t win at life. Yet, like you say it can be a blessing – a bridge over to a glorious reality that we wouldn’t have known if we didn’t take that journey.

    I have been so wrong about failure in the past and it can be detrimental – it can hinder us from showing up 100% and giving our all.

    You said it brilliantly:
    “Your setbacks, work related or otherwise, may be an opportunity in disguise forcing you to uncover greater skills and unknown abilities that are your real genius in waiting.”

    It’s truly enlightening to see the other side if failure – the truth of what it really is.
    Aileen | Kaizen Vision recently posted..Grace Happens

  6. When we accept that failure is more a word for the papers and media Aileen, and not an actual experience, we can free ourselves from not trying, giving, working at, planning, and living. Failure is no ‘F’ word except in being Fabulous!
    John Sherry recently posted..Have You A Bounce Buddy?

  7. I am grateful I stumbled upon this this morning. I like how you think- and write! This is an awesome post, the kind you keep tacked inside the cabinet to remind yourself. I especially like the “you’re being saved” concept. Thank you!
    Wild Optimist recently posted..A Break In the Storm: Wordless Wednesday

    • Very warm sentiments Wild Optimist bless you – I wish you a future without the feel of failure and only sunshine on your face.
      John Sherry recently posted..Simple Advice For Big Progress

  8. John,
    You’re a breath of fresh air – always positive and always uplifting. I absolutely love it. It’s true there really is no such thing as failure if we look at all we’ve learned from the experience. It will only serve to help us in the end.
    Angela Artemis/Poweredbyintuition recently posted..Why It’s Important to Question Everything

    • It must be the same wonderful air that you breathe Angela because that’s the freshest of Spring ones! I never fail to enjoy your wise words and upbeat outlook; you are a blue sky day behind life’s clouds.
      John Sherry recently posted..Simple Advice For Big Progress

  9. Maria Maria

    Such a great post John! Really needed this today and I absolutely love #4. So true!

    • I am glad Maria and thank you so much for adding your kind thoughts. No.4 shows (what we all know deep down) that we are all survivors simply because we get through, hang on in there, live our life – the more we survive the closer we get to thriving. We’re winners, pure and simple, and you are one!!!
      John Sherry recently posted..Simple Advice For Big Progress

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