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Month: December 2011

The Essence of Mary at Christmas

I’m wishing you Merry Christmas ~ though I’m not feeling merry.

I find myself in the midst of this involuntary holiday introspection ~ neither merry nor full of joy, yet entirely full of gratitude and wonder.

I find myself looking back at the steps I’ve taken this past year ~ knowing how hard I’ve worked, how everything has fallen so perfectly into place ~ and still yearning for what’s to come.

I understand now that my business on this earth is bigger than I’d ever known or imagined … bigger still.  I understand that your business on this earth is bigger, too.

Need calls ~ and I understand that there will always, always be need far beyond what I can touch on a physical plane.  I understand that there will always, and perhaps most importantly, be need that I can touch with my spirit.

Need beyond what I can express or imagine.

There is need.

There will always be need, that calls for your spirit as well.

I have been deep in my work this year, and sometimes out of touch with precious, important friends and creative spirits.  I’ve missed you all, but know that this time of expansion has been part of my journey.

After days of building an expectation that I should write a ‘Christmas’ post, tonight I suddenly sensed that the answer would come by paying a visit to beautiful Foxy Sue.  I believe it has been a year since I first shared the work of my friend, Sue.  I thought of her, and wondered how her work was coming along.

I opened Sue’s blog, findingmybliss, and had to catch my breath.  Her artwork is a window into the deepest spaces of my soul, and gives my heart permission to pour fourth.

The answer was there, of-course.  It looked like this ~

The Essence of Mary, the heart of mothers, has been with me this year ~ calling, sometimes so powerfully that my heart aches.  Sometimes so overwhelming that I give up … knowing that I’ve done all that I can.  That I’ve used all of the strength and courage I can muster, and that the only way, is to wait for God to show me the next step.

Much gratitude for Sue, for each of you, and for this precious and amazing journey.

Have a peaceful, very special Christmas,

With warmest holiday love,