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Month: June 2012

Pick Your Corner

This week my kitchen counter top has been covered with paint, papers, brushes, and drips … lots of drips.  But I’d covered the surface with a sheet of plastic, so no harm done.

This morning, as I started to remove the plastic, I began with the side closest to me, which was also the most secure. The tape was under the lip of the counter, and pulled tight. I found myself ‘working at it’ … and then wondered why.  “It’s just plastic, and tape, for heaven’s sake!”

I simply moved to a corner where the tape was easy to get to, and wasn’t pulled so tightly. It came off easily. I found myself being really gentle and intentional as I removed each strip of tape, leaving that ‘difficult’ piece for last. Of-course at that point, after the tension was released, and the plastic had been shifting around as I removed the other strips of tape, it practically fell off.

The good thing is that we usually get to choose which strip of tape we’re going to remove first.

Have a great day … and keep it simple ~
