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Category: bits and pieces

I Will Not Listen To This

It has been a long while since I’ve written.
A long while since I’ve written here, or most any where else.

The burden, the responsibility, to write is always there, but there is most days, a heaviness that allows us only enough strength to forge ahead with what must be done.

We paint, we fill our spaces with light and music … and still we can feel helpless.  Powerless to say, or do anything that will make a difference in the face of injustice and oppression.

Today marks the 75th Anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz. As I listened to the voices of survivors on the radio this morning, I recalled that just this past June our little town similarly recalled the 75th Anniversary of the D-Day invasion on the beaches of Normandy.

We remembered the Bedford Boys, and their courage, and ultimate sacrifice. As I listened to this morning’s interviews, I had a real-time sense of the distance between the D-Day landing and the liberation of Auschwitz. Only a few short months, it seems … an eternity of hell for millions.

The Jewish Rabbi being interviewed this morning was asked what we might do to take a stand against Anti-Semitism which appears to be on the rise. He simply said to get up and walk away.  When we hear or witness Anti-Semitism, Racism, Sexism, discrimination in any form, we can simply say “I will not listen to this”, and walk away.

We have a choice about whether we will allow oppressive words or actions to exist in our presence.  Whether we will condone or refuse it.  In certain circles it may be uncomfortable to walk away.  With each step we will grow stronger.

I will do so.  Maybe you will consider the same.

Take special good care,
With kindness …

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