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Tag: golden

Time With Mahla

I took some time, in the early morning, to sit with Mahla.

Mahla is the daughter of Rey, King of the Cusco pride.  They were rescued, along with 31 other lions from illegal circuses in South America, and moved to a beautiful sanctuary in South Africa.

This morning, Mahla’s portrait goes to her forever home.  The best home imaginable for this beautiful young lioness.  For that I am very grateful. I am happy when my work goes to a good home.

Mahla is second, of the ten lion portraits I’ve completed so far. She has been with me for just over a year.  Every day, those big eyes looking up.  Wondering, praying, watching, knowing.

She has taught me that the world is a beautiful place, even through heartache. She has taught me that teeny tiny details really are that important.  She has taught me that doing what I love, working through the passion, forgetting the world when my heart is centered, is the right thing to do.  It is the only thing to do.

I captured some of my favorite bits of Mahla’s portrait.  I didn’t adjust for colors, just capturing the images.  I’m sharing them below.

Enjoy as you like.  Send her a good wish.  The real-live Mahla, in South Africa, has more transitions to come.  We are all connected.

May we remember through her portrait, the beauty of life, and the importance of caring for it.

With love,

Take special good care,

5 Rescued Lion Portraits remain available for purchase. 20% of each sale goes directly to Animal Defenders International to help with their ongoing care.


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