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When Social Networking Gets Personal

There’s alot of information in the blogsphere about maximizing contacts, about expanding social media connections, and about how to keep people coming back.

I’m quick to bookmark those tidbits, but to be honest, I seldom get back to read them.   If I’m on my laptop I’m writing or catching up on comments.

At this point in my blogging experience, I pretty much friend anyone who pops up on Facebook.  My blog is about healing and wholeness, so I’m happy for anyone I’m in contact with to benefit from what I write.  There are plenty of people on my Facebook Friend list that I don’t know, haven’t met, and wouldn’t recognize if I saw them on the sidewalk.

My birthday was this week.  Some of my ‘Friends’ saw it on Facebook and they wished me Happy Birthday.

I heard from old high school friends, and from people I never even talked to in high school.  My cousins from around the country, new blogging friends from  around the world, people I knew, and people I’ve never even communicated with before, all sent good wishes.

The great thing was that each person, whether I knew them or not, made me smile. I was just as excited to get a wish from a ‘virtual’ stranger as I was from my childhood friends.  Birthday wishes are timeless and universal.

Toward the end of the day one of my high school friends sent along a birthday wish, and said “I was going to wish you Happy Birthday on your ‘Wall’, but wasn’t able to post it”.  Hummm … I was curious, about why my ‘Wall’ wasn’t available for comments, I’d need to check the settings.

Suddenly I realized that each person who’d wished me Happy Birthday on Facebook had done it with intention.  Rather than simply clicking ‘Like’, or joining in the slew of Happy Birthday comments that someone else started earlier in the morning (not that there’s anything wrong with that), they went to the trouble to send the message directly to me.

This doesn’t make me feel any more special or important than anyone else.  It does make me think that I have some pretty special ‘Friends’, and it reminds me that the world is full of good, kind people.

Sometimes we find that Social Networking can get personal…and that’s a very comforting sort-of thing to know.

Take good care,

Thanks to Foxtongue for the beautiful birthday party image, taken in 1934.


  1. One of the greatest benefits of blogging, and getting involved in the blogging world are the friends I’ve made. Like you, I haven’t had the opportunity to meet them face-to-face, but I am as sure as anything that they are “friends” in the truest sense of the word. I have shared my own struggles and those of my online friends. We have celebrated and we have mourned.

    It’s one of the strongest motivations to keep coming back to blogs, and participating in places like Facebook and Tribal Blogs. It’s nice to know that the support is there when I need it.

    By the way, Happy Birthday, even if it is a little belated. And just so you know, my kids would have a stroke if I ever sent birthday wishes on the right day, so you’re just like family! :0)
    Tarheel Rambler recently posted..Sunday Scenery – 115

    • You’re right … it is great to know that support is there when we need it. It’s one of the many things I love that about the online community. Thanks for stopping by, and go ahead and get started on planning those birthday wishes for your kids.
      Have a great weekend!

  2. I find social networking very personal. Blogging too. The entire experience for me has been one of positivity, love and kindness. If I’m ever annoyed by something or someone or some energy that doesn’t feel right, I don’t have to continue to have it on my radar. I can choose. It’s as simple as that. I interact the way I’d like to be interacted with and when I get that back, it’s a true gift. Happy Birthday Jane.
    katie recently posted..Do You Have a Chair of Your Own

    • Hi Katie,
      There’s so much information out there that I don’t get to it all, and that’s ok. The personal goodies are abundant, even without overextending my energy on the ‘how-to’s’. The blogsphere is an amazingly exciting and rewarding place to be. I’m so very grateful for the experience, and for people, like you, who’ve crossed my path and made a difference in my life.
      Take good care, thanks so much for the birthday wish!

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